
2024 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 20
AI/ ML & Data

AI 學習紀錄系列 第 20

Day 20: Stable Cascade 架設-3

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  • xImage

接下來就是 Text-to-Image 的測試了,直接執行看看。

batch_size = 4
# caption = "Cinematic photo of an anthropomorphic nerdy rodent sitting in a cafe reading a book"
caption = "Cinematic photo of an anthropomorphic penguin sitting in a cafe reading a book and having a coffee"
height, width = 1024, 1024
stage_c_latent_shape, stage_b_latent_shape = calculate_latent_sizes(height, width, batch_size=batch_size)

# Stage C Parameters
extras.sampling_configs['cfg'] = 4
extras.sampling_configs['shift'] = 2
extras.sampling_configs['timesteps'] = 20
extras.sampling_configs['t_start'] = 1.0

# Stage B Parameters
extras_b.sampling_configs['cfg'] = 1.1
extras_b.sampling_configs['shift'] = 1
extras_b.sampling_configs['timesteps'] = 10
extras_b.sampling_configs['t_start'] = 1.0

batch = {'captions': [caption] * batch_size}
conditions = core.get_conditions(batch, models, extras, is_eval=True, is_unconditional=False, eval_image_embeds=False)
unconditions = core.get_conditions(batch, models, extras, is_eval=True, is_unconditional=True, eval_image_embeds=False)
conditions_b = core_b.get_conditions(batch, models_b, extras_b, is_eval=True, is_unconditional=False)
unconditions_b = core_b.get_conditions(batch, models_b, extras_b, is_eval=True, is_unconditional=True)

with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float32):
    # torch.manual_seed(42)

    sampling_c = extras.gdf.sample(
        models.generator, conditions, stage_c_latent_shape,
        unconditions, device=device, **extras.sampling_configs,
    for (sampled_c, _, _) in tqdm(sampling_c, total=extras.sampling_configs['timesteps']):
        sampled_c = sampled_c

    # preview_c = models.previewer(sampled_c).float()
    # show_images(preview_c)

    conditions_b['effnet'] = sampled_c
    unconditions_b['effnet'] = torch.zeros_like(sampled_c)

    sampling_b = extras_b.gdf.sample(
        models_b.generator, conditions_b, stage_b_latent_shape,
        unconditions_b, device=device, **extras_b.sampling_configs
    for (sampled_b, _, _) in tqdm(sampling_b, total=extras_b.sampling_configs['timesteps']):
        sampled_b = sampled_b
    sampled = models_b.stage_a.decode(sampled_b).float()



結果還是 triton 的問題,總之就是得把它裝起來就是了。
我不太確定如果直接照著他的 requirements.txt 裝,是不是就會順順的幫我裝完。但不想動 colab 的 cuda,我手上也沒有其他環境可以測,且最後的處理方式,感覺比較像是本來就得自己另外裝?

總之到 triton 的 git 上看一下安裝說明。注意不要用 pip install triton,因為他版本太舊,裝了後運行也是一樣報錯,我們需要他的最新版本 nightly release。

pip install -U --index-url triton-nightly

裝完後版本號是 triton-nightly 3.0.0.post20240716052845。
最後再執行一次 Text-to-Image 的儲存格,然後還是報錯。

這也是我重跑一次才出現的錯誤,測了一輪才想到,我一開始曾經用 Install from source 的方式載下來自己build,當時被題是要重新啟動工作階段。


下面是到目前為止的 pip list,供參考:

Package                          Version
-------------------------------- ------------------------
absl-py                          1.4.0
accelerate                       0.32.1
aiohappyeyeballs                 2.4.0
aiohttp                          3.10.5
aiosignal                        1.3.1
alabaster                        0.7.16
albucore                         0.0.13
albumentations                   1.4.14
altair                           4.2.2
annotated-types                  0.7.0
anyio                            3.7.1
argon2-cffi                      23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings             21.2.0
array_record                     0.5.1
arviz                            0.18.0
asn1crypto                       1.5.1
astropy                          6.1.2
astropy-iers-data                0.2024.
astunparse                       1.6.3
async-timeout                    4.0.3
atpublic                         4.1.0
attrs                            24.2.0
audioread                        3.0.1
autograd                         1.7.0
babel                            2.16.0
backcall                         0.2.0
beautifulsoup4                   4.12.3
bidict                           0.23.1
bigframes                        1.15.0
bigquery-magics                  0.1.1
bleach                           6.1.0
blinker                          1.4
blis                             0.7.11
blosc2                           2.0.0
bokeh                            3.4.3
bqplot                           0.12.43
braceexpand                      0.1.7
branca                           0.7.2
build                            1.2.1
CacheControl                     0.14.0
cachetools                       5.5.0
catalogue                        2.0.10
certifi                          2024.7.4
cffi                             1.17.0
chardet                          5.2.0
charset-normalizer               3.3.2
chex                             0.1.86
clarabel                         0.9.0
click                            8.1.7
click-plugins                    1.1.1
cligj                            0.7.2
cloudpathlib                     0.18.1
cloudpickle                      2.2.1
cmake                            3.30.2
cmdstanpy                        1.2.4
colorcet                         3.1.0
coloredlogs                      15.0.1
colorlover                       0.3.0
colour                           0.1.5
community                        1.0.0b1
confection                       0.1.5
cons                             0.4.6
contextlib2                      21.6.0
contourpy                        1.2.1
cryptography                     43.0.0
cuda-python                      12.2.1
cudf-cu12                        24.4.1
cufflinks                        0.17.3
cupy-cuda12x                     12.2.0
cvxopt                           1.3.2
cvxpy                            1.5.3
cycler                           0.12.1
cymem                            2.0.8
Cython                           3.0.11
dask                             2024.7.1
datascience                      0.17.6
db-dtypes                        1.3.0
dbus-python                      1.2.18
debugpy                          1.6.6
decorator                        4.4.2
defusedxml                       0.7.1
distributed                      2024.7.1
distro                           1.7.0
dlib                             19.24.2
dm-tree                          0.1.8
docker-pycreds                   0.4.0
docstring_parser                 0.16
docutils                         0.18.1
dopamine_rl                      4.0.9
duckdb                           0.10.3
earthengine-api                  0.1.417
easydict                         1.13
ecos                             2.0.14
editdistance                     0.8.1
eerepr                           0.0.4
einops                           0.8.0
en-core-web-sm                   3.7.1
entrypoints                      0.4
et-xmlfile                       1.1.0
etils                            1.7.0
etuples                          0.3.9
eval_type_backport               0.2.0
exceptiongroup                   1.2.2
fastai                           2.7.16
fastcore                         1.5.55
fastdownload                     0.0.7
fastjsonschema                   2.20.0
fastprogress                     1.0.3
fastrlock                        0.8.2
filelock                         3.15.4
fiona                            1.9.6
firebase-admin                   6.5.0
Flask                            2.2.5
flatbuffers                      24.3.25
flax                             0.8.4
folium                           0.17.0
fonttools                        4.53.1
frozendict                       2.4.4
frozenlist                       1.4.1
fsspec                           2024.6.1
future                           1.0.0
gast                             0.6.0
gcsfs                            2024.6.1
GDAL                             3.6.4
gdown                            5.1.0
geemap                           0.34.0
gensim                           4.3.3
geocoder                         1.38.1
geographiclib                    2.0
geopandas                        0.14.4
geopy                            2.4.1
gin-config                       0.5.0
gitdb                            4.0.11
GitPython                        3.1.43
glob2                            0.7
google                           2.0.3
google-ai-generativelanguage     0.6.6
google-api-core                  2.19.1
google-api-python-client         2.137.0
google-auth                      2.27.0
google-auth-httplib2             0.2.0
google-auth-oauthlib             1.2.1
google-cloud-aiplatform          1.63.0
google-cloud-bigquery            3.25.0
google-cloud-bigquery-connection 1.15.5
google-cloud-bigquery-storage    2.25.0
google-cloud-bigtable            2.26.0
google-cloud-core                2.4.1
google-cloud-datastore           2.19.0
google-cloud-firestore           2.16.1
google-cloud-functions           1.16.5
google-cloud-iam                 2.15.2
google-cloud-language            2.13.4
google-cloud-pubsub              2.23.0
google-cloud-resource-manager    1.12.5
google-cloud-storage             2.8.0
google-cloud-translate           3.15.5
google-colab                     1.0.0
google-crc32c                    1.5.0
google-generativeai              0.7.2
google-pasta                     0.2.0
google-resumable-media           2.7.2
googleapis-common-protos         1.64.0
googledrivedownloader            0.4
graphviz                         0.20.3
greenlet                         3.0.3
grpc-google-iam-v1               0.13.1
grpcio                           1.64.1
grpcio-status                    1.48.2
gspread                          6.0.2
gspread-dataframe                3.3.1
gym                              0.25.2
gym-notices                      0.0.8
h5netcdf                         1.3.0
h5py                             3.11.0
holidays                         0.55
holoviews                        1.18.3
html5lib                         1.1
httpimport                       1.3.1
httplib2                         0.22.0
huggingface-hub                  0.23.5
humanfriendly                    10.0
humanize                         4.10.0
hyperopt                         0.2.7
ibis-framework                   8.0.0
idna                             3.8
imageio                          2.34.2
imageio-ffmpeg                   0.5.1
imagesize                        1.4.1
imbalanced-learn                 0.12.3
imgaug                           0.4.0
immutabledict                    4.2.0
importlib_metadata               8.4.0
importlib_resources              6.4.4
imutils                          0.5.4
inflect                          7.3.1
iniconfig                        2.0.0
insightface                      0.7.3
intel-cmplr-lib-ur               2024.2.1
intel-openmp                     2024.2.1
ipyevents                        2.0.2
ipyfilechooser                   0.6.0
ipykernel                        5.5.6
ipyleaflet                       0.18.2
ipyparallel                      8.8.0
ipython                          7.34.0
ipython-genutils                 0.2.0
ipython-sql                      0.5.0
ipytree                          0.2.2
ipywidgets                       7.7.1
itsdangerous                     2.2.0
jax                              0.4.26
jaxlib                           0.4.26+cuda12.cudnn89
jeepney                          0.7.1
jellyfish                        1.1.0
jieba                            0.42.1
Jinja2                           3.1.4
joblib                           1.4.2
jsonpickle                       3.2.2
jsonschema                       4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications        2023.12.1
jupyter-client                   6.1.12
jupyter-console                  6.1.0
jupyter_core                     5.7.2
jupyter-server                   1.24.0
jupyterlab_pygments              0.3.0
jupyterlab_widgets               3.0.13
kaggle                           1.6.17
kagglehub                        0.2.9
keras                            3.4.1
keyring                          23.5.0
kiwisolver                       1.4.5
kornia                           0.7.3
kornia_rs                        0.1.5
langcodes                        3.4.0
language_data                    1.2.0
launchpadlib                     1.10.16
lazr.restfulclient               0.14.4
lazr.uri                         1.0.6
lazy_loader                      0.4
libclang                         18.1.1
librosa                          0.10.2.post1
lightgbm                         4.4.0
linkify-it-py                    2.0.3
llvmlite                         0.43.0
locket                           1.0.0
logical-unification              0.4.6
lxml                             4.9.4
malloy                           2024.1089
marisa-trie                      1.2.0
Markdown                         3.7
markdown-it-py                   3.0.0
MarkupSafe                       2.1.5
matplotlib                       3.9.2
matplotlib-inline                0.1.7
matplotlib-venn                  0.11.10
mdit-py-plugins                  0.4.1
mdurl                            0.1.2
miniKanren                       1.0.3
missingno                        0.5.2
mistune                          0.8.4
mizani                           0.9.3
mkl                              2024.2.1
ml-dtypes                        0.4.0
mlxtend                          0.23.1
more-itertools                   10.3.0
moviepy                          1.0.3
mpmath                           1.3.0
msgpack                          1.0.8
multidict                        6.0.5
multipledispatch                 1.0.0
multitasking                     0.0.11
munch                            4.0.0
murmurhash                       1.0.10
music21                          9.1.0
namex                            0.0.8
natsort                          8.4.0
nbclassic                        1.1.0
nbclient                         0.10.0
nbconvert                        6.5.4
nbformat                         5.10.4
nest-asyncio                     1.6.0
networkx                         3.3
nibabel                          5.0.1
nltk                             3.8.1
notebook                         6.5.5
notebook_shim                    0.2.4
numba                            0.60.0
numexpr                          2.10.1
numpy                            1.26.4
nvidia-nccl-cu12                 2.22.3
nvtx                             0.2.10
oauth2client                     4.1.3
oauthlib                         3.2.2
onnx                             1.16.2
onnx2torch                       1.5.15
onnxruntime                      1.19.0
openpyxl                         3.1.5
opt-einsum                       3.3.0
optax                            0.2.2
optree                           0.12.1
orbax-checkpoint                 0.6.1
osqp                             0.6.7.post0
packaging                        24.1
pandas                           2.1.4
pandas-datareader                0.10.0
pandas-gbq                       0.23.1
pandocfilters                    1.5.1
panel                            1.4.5
param                            2.1.1
parso                            0.8.4
parsy                            2.1
partd                            1.4.2
pathlib                          1.0.1
patsy                            0.5.6
peewee                           3.17.6
pexpect                          4.9.0
pickleshare                      0.7.5
Pillow                           9.4.0
pip                              24.1.2
pip-tools                        7.4.1
platformdirs                     4.2.2
plotly                           5.15.0
plotnine                         0.12.4
pluggy                           1.5.0
polars                           0.20.2
pooch                            1.8.2
portpicker                       1.5.2
prefetch_generator               1.0.3
preshed                          3.0.9
prettytable                      3.11.0
proglog                          0.1.10
progressbar2                     4.2.0
prometheus_client                0.20.0
promise                          2.3
prompt_toolkit                   3.0.47
prophet                          1.1.5
proto-plus                       1.24.0
protobuf                         3.20.3
psutil                           5.9.5
psycopg2                         2.9.9
ptyprocess                       0.7.0
py-cpuinfo                       9.0.0
pyarrow                          14.0.2
pyarrow-hotfix                   0.6
pyasn1                           0.6.0
pyasn1_modules                   0.4.0
pycocotools                      2.0.8
pycparser                        2.22
pydantic                         2.8.2
pydantic_core                    2.20.1
pydata-google-auth               1.8.2
pydot                            1.4.2
pydot-ng                         2.0.0
pydotplus                        2.0.2
PyDrive                          1.3.1
PyDrive2                         1.6.3
pygame                           2.6.0
Pygments                         2.16.1
PyGObject                        3.42.1
PyJWT                            2.9.0
pymc                             5.10.4
pymystem3                        0.2.0
pynvjitlink-cu12                 0.3.0
PyOpenGL                         3.1.7
pyOpenSSL                        24.2.1
pyparsing                        3.1.4
pyperclip                        1.9.0
pyproj                           3.6.1
pyproject_hooks                  1.1.0
pyshp                            2.3.1
PySocks                          1.7.1
pytensor                         2.18.6
pytest                           7.4.4
python-apt                       2.4.0
python-box                       7.2.0
python-dateutil                  2.8.2
python-louvain                   0.16
python-slugify                   8.0.4
python-utils                     3.8.2
pytz                             2024.1
pyviz_comms                      3.0.3
PyYAML                           6.0.2
pyzmq                            24.0.1
qdldl                            0.1.7.post4
ratelim                          0.1.6
referencing                      0.35.1
regex                            2024.5.15
requests                         2.32.3
requests-oauthlib                1.3.1
requirements-parser              0.9.0
rich                             13.8.0
rmm-cu12                         24.4.0
rpds-py                          0.20.0
rpy2                             3.4.2
rsa                              4.9
safetensors                      0.4.4
scikit-image                     0.23.2
scikit-learn                     1.3.2
scipy                            1.13.1
scooby                           0.10.0
scs                              3.2.7
seaborn                          0.13.1
SecretStorage                    3.3.1
Send2Trash                       1.8.3
sentencepiece                    0.1.99
sentry-sdk                       2.13.0
setproctitle                     1.3.3
setuptools                       71.0.4
shapely                          2.0.6
shellingham                      1.5.4
simple_parsing                   0.1.5
six                              1.16.0
sklearn-pandas                   2.2.0
smart-open                       7.0.4
smmap                            5.0.1
sniffio                          1.3.1
snowballstemmer                  2.2.0
snowflake-connector-python       3.12.1
sortedcontainers                 2.4.0
soundfile                        0.12.1
soupsieve                        2.6
soxr                             0.5.0
spacy                            3.7.6
spacy-legacy                     3.0.12
spacy-loggers                    1.0.5
Sphinx                           5.0.2
sphinxcontrib-applehelp          2.0.0
sphinxcontrib-devhelp            2.0.0
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp           2.1.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath             1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp             2.0.0
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml    2.0.0
SQLAlchemy                       2.0.32
sqlglot                          20.11.0
sqlparse                         0.5.1
srsly                            2.4.8
stanio                           0.5.1
statsmodels                      0.14.2
StrEnum                          0.4.15
sympy                            1.13.2
tables                           3.8.0
tabulate                         0.9.0
tbb                              2021.13.1
tblib                            3.0.0
tenacity                         9.0.0
tensorboard                      2.17.0
tensorboard-data-server          0.7.2
tensorflow                       2.17.0
tensorflow-datasets              4.9.6
tensorflow-hub                   0.16.1
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem     0.37.1
tensorflow-metadata              1.15.0
tensorflow-probability           0.24.0
tensorstore                      0.1.64
termcolor                        2.4.0
terminado                        0.18.1
text-unidecode                   1.3
textblob                         0.17.1
tf_keras                         2.17.0
tf-slim                          1.1.0
thinc                            8.2.5
threadpoolctl                    3.5.0
tifffile                         2024.8.24
tinycss2                         1.3.0
tokenizers                       0.19.1
toml                             0.10.2
tomli                            2.0.1
tomlkit                          0.13.2
toolz                            0.12.1
torch                            2.4.0+cu121
torchaudio                       2.4.0+cu121
torchsummary                     1.5.1
torchtools                       0.3.5
torchvision                      0.19.0+cu121
tornado                          6.3.3
tqdm                             4.66.5
traitlets                        5.7.1
traittypes                       0.2.1
transformers                     4.42.4
triton-nightly                   3.0.0.post20240716052845
tweepy                           4.14.0
typeguard                        4.3.0
typer                            0.12.5
types-pytz                       2024.1.0.20240417
typing_extensions                4.12.2
tzdata                           2024.1
tzlocal                          5.2
uc-micro-py                      1.0.3
uritemplate                      4.1.1
urllib3                          2.0.7
vega-datasets                    0.9.0
wadllib                          1.3.6
wandb                            0.17.8
warmup_scheduler                 0.3.2
wasabi                           1.1.3
wcwidth                          0.2.13
weasel                           0.4.1
webcolors                        24.8.0
webdataset                       0.2.100
webencodings                     0.5.1
websocket-client                 1.8.0
Werkzeug                         3.0.4
wheel                            0.44.0
widgetsnbextension               3.6.8
wordcloud                        1.9.3
wrapt                            1.16.0
xarray                           2024.6.0
xarray-einstats                  0.7.0
xgboost                          2.1.1
xlrd                             2.0.1
xyzservices                      2024.6.0
yarl                             1.9.4
yellowbrick                      1.5
yfinance                         0.2.43
zict                             3.0.0
zipp                             3.20.1

最後再跑一次 Text-to-Image 試試吧,照著做應該是會一切正常吧,輸出長這樣。


Day 19: Stable Cascade 架設-2
Day 21: Stable Cascade 測試
AI 學習紀錄30
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

